Sunday, May 16, 2010

I am looking for the name of a 6 legged orange insect that has attacked my yard.?

Orange body, black legs and antennas. Seems to perfer no plant in particular. I have found them on my roses, my banana trees, my elephant ears, and misc. plants and flowers. Are they harmful? Does anyone know what they are? Thanks!

I am looking for the name of a 6 legged orange insect that has attacked my yard.?
Box Elder bugs in their immature stage would have an orange body and be wingless. At this time of the year, there would be lots of them. They would have a soft body, orange in color, and black head, legs, and antennae.

Milkweed bugs are also a red-orange color, but would have some black spots. They would have an elongated body with black head, legs, and antennae.

If your insect has a soft, lightning bug-like body, then we must rule out all beetles.

I often send people to this link to look at pictures of bugs when they cannot give me a description that is detailed enough for me to truly identify the insect for them.
Reply:Do these bugs resemble lady bugs at all? If so then they are prolly the Asian beetle. They are horrible. They love to live your house too. But I dont recall them eating everything. But have seen them eat a pumpkin that was carved one time.
Reply:If he wont tell you, I would just call him Fred
Reply:I imagine they are milkweed beetles. Type in beetles in Yahoo Search under Images--they show several varieties of beetles.
Reply:Do they resemble a lady bug? It could be Asian Beetles. The USDA brought them to our country to try and take care of soybean aphids, only now they are everywhere, and have become almost a plague!

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