Thursday, May 20, 2010

Is my fish overeating himself?

I have already asked about having a live plant in my fancy goldfish's tank, and I know that it is really good for the tank because it helps with the nitrates, etc. The problem is that my fish is eating it constantly. My little goldfish has managed to eat a whole fairly big size leaf in about 2 days. He munches on most of hte others as well. I believe the plant I have is called like elephant ear or banana leaf or something. I also feed him goldfish crumbles and I am worried that with his constant eating of the live plant and the food I give him, he will overeat. Should I get rid of the plant and give him a fake one or should I try a different kind. I thought that most goldfish don't like the kind I got, but if you have reccommendations...

Is my fish overeating himself?
Here are 3 other plants you could try out, and are for coldwater conditions especially




Hope that helps

Good luck


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Reply:Don't worry - roughage and plant matter actually has small nutritional value and most of it goes right through him. Keep feeding him his normal diet, it's ok. Just remember that plant eating or not you don't want to overfeed the pellets or flakes.
Reply:Gold fish eat a lot along with mollies. Mollies are like heck to plants. They will sit there for hours and strip a whole plant. Just keep cutting the dead leaves and letting the sprouts grow. Also you can buy some algea and plant matter frozen foods to give to your goldie to add plants to his diet. He is not over eating himself, don't worry.

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