Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sex appeal, impressive charisma, modern mind facing the future, were these the qualities that Diana fancied?

Or was it barely his elephant ears, stigmata of consanguinity.

Sex appeal, impressive charisma, modern mind facing the future, were these the qualities that Diana fancied?
Neither. To the first question, these were qualities that Diana already seemed to possess, therefore she was just being herself. To the second question these marriages are usually arranged and sanctioned by the crown, families and the church as well. Alas...ultimately, his ears could make him stand out from the crowd. We women often swoon over stuff like that. Then later...we sometimes find the bigger the ears doesn't often mean that you listen or hear more. They are just maybe....cute.
Reply:hold fire, he was meant to be hooked up with her sister, she butted in and got him .. so guess she had some idea of what she liked and disliked .. and she was hardly a good catch, scrawny, not very pretty and extremely bad mannered and full of herself
Reply:brian s; Don't beat about the bush man, say what you mean! Not really much to add to your comments, bang on target, summed her up in one.
Reply:I think it was the size of his knob at first
Reply:Diana learned about sex appeal AFTER her marriage.

Her charisma is nothing extraordinary for someone with money, beauty and the mystique of a royal family behind her. In other words, it gets a bit blown out of proportion.

As for the modern mind facing the future - how to put this nicely ... Diana was, as the Brits say, "thick". Her educational accomplishment amounted to an award for keeping a gerbil as a child. She didn't read, wasn't a good student, and only knew what others told her.

Her intellectual stupidity is a major factor in the end of her marriage - no intelligent man can spend his life with someone as shallow and ill-informed as she was.

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