Sunday, May 16, 2010

When should blubs be dug up for the winter and how to do it and store them?

In S.E. Iowa when should Elephant Ear bulbs, Dahlia bulbs and runners be dug up and stored for winter

When should blubs be dug up for the winter and how to do it and store them?
In the fall, dig up the bulbs of Elephant Ears for storage. "If temperatures average below about 40-45ºF (roughly 4-7ºC) for any extended period of time, the root system - tuber(s) - must be dug up and stored in a cool, dry place until replanted the following warm season."

Trim most of the green vegetation (top growth) off the top of the tubers: leave no more than half to 1 inch of leafy growth on the tuber. Let the freshly trimmed tubers sit in open air so they can visibly dry out before final storage - maybe a couple of days at most will do. Drying out will minimize the potential for mold, and bacteria to develop.

Store the tuber during the colder, winter months in a cool (above freezing) dry place; 45-55ºF is desirable. Don't store in a plastic bag: a plain paper bag with plenty of holes for ventilation will do nicely, as will storage in sphagnum peat moss or garden vermiculite.

Here's a forum on storing Elephant Ears:

Harvest Dahlia roots immediately after frost and cut off old stems. Let sit until dirt is dry on tuber and then store in DRY material such as peat or vermiculite. Many folks just put them in old sacks or on shelves in cool basements. Hot basements kill them by drying them out. Needs to be above freezing, around 40-45°F

Surround the tubers with milled sphagnum peat moss, dry shavings, coarse sand, coarse vermiculite, or newspaper to both insulate and separate them. The tubers should not touch each other. They must be kept in a dark, dry %26amp; cool place, like an unheated basement, attic, crawl space, attached garage.

Good Luck!!! Hope this is helpful.
Reply:Hi! You're welcome! I'm so glad I could help :) Report It

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