Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Why elephant shake his ear pinas cont?

I do not really understand your question.... but if you are asking why elephants flap their ears it is to mainly keep them cool. The blood in the ears runs very close to the surface of the skin and as the blood passes through the ears as they flap it cools then travels through the rest of the elephant to keep them from over-heating.

They also flap their ears to keep bugs off, communicate with one another and so on and so forth.

Is that what you were asking?

Why elephant shake his ear pinas cont?
Humans keep their body cool by perspiration through skin,dogs by their tongues , but elephants do it by moving their pinae
Reply:To reduce its body temperature.They will also paste mud over their body for the same purpose.
Reply:What ?? Please make your question more understandable.
Reply:It is cooling its body.

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