Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Elephant ears?

i live in utah. i plant my elephant ears in large pots. at the end of the season i usually dump the dirt in the front garden for next year to use.

lo and behold, in the corner there are ee sprouting!!

so, my question is: what do you think are the odds of these ee surviving the summer. they are in 80%sun with moist soil.

i'm eager to see what happens, but wanting public opinion

thanks :)

Elephant ears?
Elephant Ears can tolerate full sun if given adequate moisture. Protection from wind helps the leaves maintain their beautiful form. Watch the edges to see if they turn brown or crisp. This may be a sign of inadequate irrigation/moisture.

Good luck.
Reply:am in Missouri, and my ee's are always in full sun with plenty of water adn they do good every year. I have to take them in for the winter but in summer they do good.
Reply:EE's grow in Florida like weeds. They are deeper green when when they get some shade...

You could could hose them down occasionally -- they like humidity -- I don't know what that's like in Utah.

You could call your County Co-operative Extension Service for suggestions, too. They have Master Gardeners who can answer most questions for your area. [The county website might have the info too - usually under Agriculture.]

Yes, EEs spread easily through the root system alone... I love those things!!
Reply:I reckon they will die.
Reply:We too grow E.E. every year,but we grow ours in the ground here in Indiana.It takes two seasons to produce an ee that will produce a viable bulb and grow again under normal conditions in our area this will not happen.So you are lucky to be in a zone that allows this to happen. We feed with Mircle-grow every week and get three foot long leaves.
Reply:There big, so what, what's the big D?

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