Sunday, May 16, 2010

Why are all my plants dying?

Ok, it has been hot in SoCal but come on. Almost all of my plants are dying. My gardenia is pretty dead. My elephant ears that I have currently in shade have yellowing leaves. My philadenron has areas on it's large leaves that are also turning really light. I think I may be overwatering but it's been so hot. The soil feels dry so I water.

My elephant ears, philadendron and split philadendrom are all on my porch in shade.

Anyone know where I can take a gardening class in San Gabriel at a low cost? Thanks!

Why are all my plants dying?
Heat shock. Also are you watering with city water? The chlorine and calcium can form salts that toxify the plants and leach the nutrients out of the soil, or sand. Instead of watering endlessly, try a thick mulch to stop evaporation, and leaching. Water at night. Watering in bright sunlight will sunburn your plants.
Reply:You might have mites or other insects infesting the plants. This happens especially when the plants are under stress because of heat, drought, etc. You may need to spray. Check with your local garden center for advice as well.

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