Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Can i plant elephant ears in a planting pot?

You will have to have one humongous pot..........because the one bulb will multiply in many. Not all of the leaves sprout from one bulb. Infact you probably need a pot the size of a wash tub to accommodate the lush growth of the elephant ear. Smaller pots can be used but you lose some of the beauty.

Can i plant elephant ears in a planting pot?
I've done the same thing in large urns in my back yard.

Here's what I've found - - - -

* make sure the pot or urn has sufficient drainage

* use a good soil mix

* a good rule of thumb is to make sure each bulb is placed at least three inches from each other to allow room for expansion and to prevent overcrowding

Keep in mind that plants in any kind of pot needs a different watering schedule than plants in the ground.

Mine looked great last year and I'm sure your's will too.

Good luck.
Reply:Yes!! They are adaptable and hearty plants. Just be sure not to plant to many to close together. As they will have a tendency to overlap each other and the smaller ones will die out. You will also want to keep an eye out and make sure that any that are wilted or dead are taken out.
Reply:Yes you can just give them plenty of room. Watch the soil it will dry out quicker than in the ground. The bulb will mutiply, good luck.
Reply:Yeah , but I don't think the elephant will like it !!!
Reply:You bet you can, the bigger the pot the, the bigger the leaves. I've been using them in containers for years and have found 15-20 gal. nursery pots allow them to get as big as the ones planted directly in my gardens. For some reason I can't get them to do well in whiskey barrels, so this year I plan on lining a couple of barrels with plastic and see if that helps. They're a thirsty and hungry plant, so water and feed the 'bejeezes' out of them and they will get huge. RScott

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