Monday, May 11, 2009

Elephant ear queston??

well i have elephant ear plants and i do not know what to do when there is bad weather, such as wind and very cold air.Well it killed all my elephant ears but i grew them again. The wind was hard and pushed them and they get fragile and torn.So do i chop it, and cover it up with mulch, or any good ideas for it to look pretty and be strong for the bad weather.

Elephant ear queston??
I live in horticulture zone 7a and my elephant ears always come back in the spring. When the frost takes them in the fall just cut back the old dead growth and wait for them to re appear. Now if during the spring and summer you end up with a funky leaf just cut it back to the ground. If the wind is always messing them up you might consider planting a windbreak by them to help break the wind. Is it the south wind? Most likely. Make sure they get the water they need in the summer. Hope this helps.
Reply:Well my elephant ears would shrivel and die in the winter but they always just came back on their own. They are a very hardy plant. I would just chop them down when they start to look bad and wait for them to come back in the spring.
Reply:Does this bad weather only occur in the winter. if it does cut the plant completly and it will come back stronger and better in a month or so. THAT IS IF YOU DONT GET COLD. if you do get cold it willcome back in the spring. also try adding some plant food. i did and the leaves came from 5 inches in diameter to 1.5 feet in one month. also it grew from 1 foot to 3 feet. also it was much stronger and now it is surviving frosts!

If it is very wind put another plant that is sturdy so it can block the wind.

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